Technical Checks For Driving Test

On the day of your driving test the examiner is going to ask you to open the bonnet of your car and he will ask you to point out the five reservoirs. Most new cars only have 4 reservoirs as they have electric steering. You will also be expected to know how you would identify when sitting in the car if any of these fluids are running low. Don’t panic it’s really quite easy.

  1. Power steering fluid: You have no warning on your dash board of this runs low. Your steering will become really heavy (like the old fashioned cars)
  2. Wind screen washer fluid : You have no warning on your dash board for this either ,you should top up every week with a mixture of water and a special solvent to keep windows clean and stop water from freezing.
  3. Oil: If your oil is running low you will get a warning on your dash board a little red oil can will light up. You check your oil when the engine is cold and parked on a flat surface. You take out the dip stick and wipe it clean then put it back in and take it out again ,there are two little marks near the end of the dip stick and your oil must be between these if it is nor you add oil slowly and check again, be careful not to over fill.
  4. Brake fluid: If your brake fluid runs low you will have a warning light on you dash board, your hand brake symbol will be constantly on. When you push down on foot brake it will feel soft and spongy. You must be able to show the reservoir for your brake fluid under the bonnet.
  5. Engine Coolant: There is a warning light on your dash board if your coolant runs low you will either have a symbol like a thermometer or your temperature gage will go up into the red. Again you must be able to show the examiner where you would top up your coolant.